Experimental design principles

  1. Formulate the research question

  2. Define Hypotheses

  3. Identify of variables to measure

  4. Power Analysis and Sample Size calculations

    Conduct a power analysis to determine the sample size needed for the experiment to detect a meaningful effect. This helps ensure that the study has sufficient statistical power.

  5. Design Test and Control Groups

  6. Randomization and/or Blocking

  7. Blinding

  8. Statistical Analysis

    Choose appropriate statistical methods to analyze the data. This may include t-tests, analysis of variance (ANOVA), regression analysis, and other inferential statistics.

  9. Documentation and Logging

    Maintain detailed records of the experimental procedure, including any modifications made during the course of the study. Log relevant data point for post-experiment analysis

  10. Ethical Considerations

    Adhere to ethical guidelines in the treatment of human or animal subjects. Obtain informed consent, minimize harm, and provide debriefing when necessary

Types of Experimental Designs

1.) Completely Randomized Design (CRD)

2.) Randomized Block Design (RBD)

3.) Factorial Design